What is TecSOS?

TecSOS is a unique mobile solution that provides immediate connection to the Police at the touch of a button 24/7.

The TecSOS handset provides an enhanced level of confidence, protection and reassurance for individuals who are victims of domestic abuse. The victim activates the device which initiates a 999 call.

TecSOS is a unique mobile solution that provides immediate connection to the Police at the touch of a button 24/7. The TecSOS handset provides an enhanced level of confidence, protection and reassurance for individuals suffering from domestic abuse. Users activate the device which initiates a 999 call. Integration with the Police emergency response system means any activation of a TecSOS device goes directly to the Emergency Call Centre, where their number is automatically verified against a known list of TecSOS users. Silent call handling is overridden with an alert system that will flag the call as a TecSOS activation should the call handler try to redirect the call to a queue.

As a TecSOS user the individual’s location is found via the device; the user’s name, details and location are immediately flagged to the police saving valuable time in reaching the victim.

All calls are recorded and can be used as evidence in subsequent investigations. TecSOS not only benefits the user.

Police forces are able to provide better protection for individuals, while keeping operating costs down. Ultimately more individuals can be supported. As a mobile solution TecSOS allows the Police to easily recycle equipment for use by other vulnerable individuals.